Daniel Christen


Hanna, oil on canvas 220 x 170 cm

Insight into our being

When I look into a person's eyes, my thinking stops for a brief moment. I do not see an object in the form of pupils, eyelids and eyelashes as I am used to. The moment our gazes cross, I am touched and become silent because a space opens up that is basically familiar to me and yet often so distant. I get a brief glimpse into the essential nature of all things, into the reality of our being.


Ananta, oil on canvas 220 x 170 cm

Moment of encounter

Photography, as the basis of my artistic work, gives me the opportunity to look more closely at this brief moment of encounter. The image of the moment, which has emerged from the endless flow of life, serves as the basis for me to connect with it in an artistic way over a period of weeks. In the process it becomes apparent that our true being does not consist of past and future, but only of the now.


Jill, oil on canvas 220 x 170 cm

Old and young people

The eyes of young people are still open and clear. That is why looking into the eyes of young children touches us so much. As life goes on, they become veiled by experiences and imprints. In older people, the body gradually becomes weaker. The finer and more transparent their body, the more their essential nature can shine through. This is clearly visible in the eyes.


Silvia, oil on canvas 220 x 170 cm

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